Recourse to the Tribunal administratif du travail
The Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) rules on recourses exercised under statutes in the fields of employment and labour relations, including Act R-20.
Disputes related to coverage of work
Section 19 of Act R-20 and the Regulation Respecting the Application of Act Respecting Labour Relations, Vocational Training and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry define the Act’s fields of application and exclusion.
Under section 21 of Act R-20, the TAT hears and rules on disputes related to problems of interpretation and coverage of work.
Consult the list of cases underway at the TAT or for which a ruling has been made during the last six months.
Trade jurisdiction disputes
Upon request, the TAT intervenes to hear and rule on trade jurisdiction disputes among different trades, specialties, or occupations. The TAT may also be asked to review a decision made by a Trade Jurisdiction Dispute Resolution Committee.
Other responsibilities
The TAT is also responsible for:
- Reviewing orders of suspension of work issued by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ)
- Reviewing rejections concerning qualification or the issuance of a competency certificate by the CCQ or Emploi-Québec
- Recourses for decisions by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ), or the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ) concerning the issuance, renewal, modification, suspension, or cancellation of a construction contractor licence
Files in process at the TAT
The Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) is responsible, among other things, for settling all disagreements related to coverage of construction work (section 21 of Act R-20).
Here is a table (in French only) of the files currently in process at the TAT and the rulings made in the last six months (as of April 2024).
Nom des parties impliquées Nature des travaux
Décision rendue Pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire 1213604-71-2101
Câblage structuré | chantier CHUM
Travaux de câblage structuré effectués au chantier du CHUM
Les travaux d’installation du câblage structuré exécutés sur le chantier de la phase II du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Montréal sont assujettis à la loi R-20 Oui 1235087-71-2106
Vital Roy 3D inc.
Travaux d’arpentage sur des chantiers de construction Oui 1346421-71-2311
Ovila Latreille F.A.S.N. Latreille Excavation
Travaux de déneigement préalable à des travaux de construction
Envirostable inc.
Travaux de réparation de pavé uni, bordures, et muret à la suite de travaux effectués sur un ouvrage de génie civil.
Vélosolutions Canada inc. Travaux d’installation de piste à rouleaux « Pumptrack » Last updated : April, 2024
Please note that the information in this table is public and that the full decisions are also available on the TAT website. If there is a divergence between the information in this table and that on the TAT website, the TAT website takes precedence.
Conflit de compétence
Nom des parties impliquées Nature des travaux
Décision rendue Pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire 1213604-71-2101 Câblage structuré | chantier CHUM Définition de métier pour des travaux de câblage structuré effectués au chantier du CHUM Last updated : April 5, 2024
Please note that the information in this table is public and that the full decisions are also available on the TAT website. If there is a divergence between the information in this table and that on the TAT website, the TAT website takes precedence.