Special measures must be taken to ensure that there is a balance between supply of and demand for labour in a context such as the construction industry, with its major economic and seasonal fluctuations.
The analysis of labour-force movements for each trade and each region of Quebec and the rules concerning labour management must be based on an excellent knowledge of these labour movements, as well as entries to and exits from the industry, in order to have a capacity to react quickly to respond to employers’ temporary or specific labour needs.
The labour management by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) is done through labour pools corresponding to the industry’s trades and occupations. This system ensures a pool of a sufficient quantity of available workers and refers these workers to the employers who need them. Other aspects of labour management include verification and application of the regulations concerning hiring and mobility of labour, the making of interprovincial agreements and terms aiming to encourage worker mobility outside of Quebec, and the implementation of measures to make sure that workers have the skills they need.
Competency Certificates
Qualification Examination
Trades, Occupations, and Job Prospects
Labour Pools
Recognition of Training and Work
Outside Quebec
Finding a Job
Integration into the trade of crane operator
Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons
Water System Worker Certification
Change of Address
Starting Your Own Company