Commission de la construction du Québec


A record number of women on construction sites to build Québec


The presence of women in the Québec construction industry has reached a historic peak: they now represent 4% of the total workforce and 10% of new entries who chose to join in the building of Québec in 2024.

Work-study programs: A winning bet in the construction industry


To increase the number of workers with diplomas on Québec construction sites and foster retention of talents, today the construction industry is launching the Action Plan to Accelerate Work-Study Programs in the Construction Industry 2025–2028, the aims of which are:

Update // Reopening of the Gatineau office on march 3, 2025


On March 3, customer service will return to the Gatineau regional office located at 225 Montée Paiement, according to the usual schedule.

The CCQ’s 2024–27 Strategic Plan


The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) is proud to launch its updated 2024–27 Strategic Plan.

Our associated Websites

Logo La mixité en chantier
Deconstruct the myths and discover the measures for women to access and integrate into the construction industry.
Fiers et compétents - Perfectionnement en construction
More than 550 free training courses for workers in the construction industry. Are you up to date?
Chantier NumériCCQ
The Commission de la construction du Québec is launching the Chantier numériccq, a project that is continuously developing the online services to better meet your needs.
Construire en santé
CONSTRUIRE en santé is the MÉDIC Construction program for health promotion and management. 
Mon premier chantier

Free referral service for new graduates, letting you make your availability known to employers seeking skilled workers.

Career in construction
Working in construction means practising a stimulating trade in a sector with a bright future! There’s no lack of jobs in the construction industry.