Commission de la construction du Québec


Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day and Canada Day


Our offices will be closed on Monday, June 24, 2024, for the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day holiday, and on Monday, July 1, 2024, for Canada Day.

More than $647 million paid out to construction workers


On June 20, 2024, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) sent out more than 193,000 vacation pay cheques to workers in the Québec construction industry. A total of more than $647 million was distributed.

Hats off to you! awards ceremony 2024: CCQ recognizes positive role models


As part of the 2024 edition of the Hats off to you! competition, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) has awarded two Mixité en chantier prizes—Future travailleuse and Future entrepreneure—each featuring a $2,500 scholarship, and one Mentorat prize accompanied by a $5,000 scholarship.

Women on Québec construction sites


The report Portrait statistique – Les femmes dans la construction provides a statistical overview of the situation of women in the industry for the year 2023. It includes the main indicators of women’s progress in the industry in the wake of the Programme d’accès à l’égalité des femmes dans l’industrie de la construction (PAEF). 

Time for the CCQ to take stock of the year 2023


The 2023 annual management report is now available on our website. All CCQ teams took part in this exercise with rigor and professionalism to illustrate the results, achievements and advances linked to our industry over the past year.

Measures instituted following the survey about the work environment on construction sites


The Commission de la construction du Québec and all of the industry’s partners mandated the polling firm Léger to conduct a major survey to measure perceptions of, opinions about, and experiences with discrimination, intimidation, and harassment on construction sites. 

Union vote 2024: more than 211,000 construction industry workers will choose their union allegiance


Between June 3 and June 22, 2024, 211,405 workers in the Québec construction industry are being called on to vote to choose their union allegiance, which will come into effect on September 1. 

Our associated Websites

Logo La mixité en chantier
Deconstruct the myths and discover the measures for women to access and integrate into the construction industry.
Fiers et compétents - Perfectionnement en construction
More than 550 free training courses for workers in the construction industry. Are you up to date?
Carnet référence construction
A web platform bringing together the online services related to worker referrals in the construction industry.
Construire en santé
CONSTRUIRE en santé is the MÉDIC Construction program for health promotion and management. 
Mon premier chantier

Free referral service for new graduates, letting you make your availability known to employers seeking skilled workers.

Career in construction
Working in construction means practising a stimulating trade in a sector with a bright future! There’s no lack of jobs in the construction industry.

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