

To work in the construction industry, a person must obtain the appropriate work permit issued by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ). The paths to obtaining an apprentice competency certificate (ACC) are different depending on the type of candidate. Read the general conditions, then learn more about the specific conditions for each type of candidate. 

Types of apprentice candidates:

The ACC that is issued indicates the trade that the person can practice.

In some cases, it is possible to obtain an exemption from holding a competency certificate.

General conditions for obtaining an apprentice competency certificate

With the exception of employer candidates, candidates must fill out the form Application for registration or modification of identification file or choice of union association, which assembles the information required to open their file and allows them to designate the union association that they want to join.

In all cases, candidates must:

Once the application is approved, the competency certificate is sent by mail. However, depending on the circumstances, the CCQ may issue a temporary work permit so that the candidate has quicker access to the site. This work permit is valid only for a limited period, depending on the situation.

  • Candidate with a diploma from a recognized study program
  • Candidate holding a Skills Training Certificate (AEP)
  • Candidates who enter due to the state of the labour pool
  • Candidates who enter by recognition of experience
  • Student candidates
  • Journeyperson Candidate
  • Employer Candidate
  • Candidate abroad (international recruitment)

A graduate who has successfully completed a study program recognized by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) in the trade covered by the application can obtain an apprentice competency certificate (ACC). If you have a similar diploma, obtained outside of Québec, you must obtain a recognition of acquired competencies  from the ministry responsible for education.

You must satisfy the general conditions and present the following documentation:

Proof of studies

  • If you graduated from a vocational studies program (DEP) less than 90 days ago, you must provide one of the following documents:
    • Provincial attestation of training (copy accepted or electronic document if the training centre offers this service)
    • Achievement record with mention of DEP (copy accepted)
    • Statement of competencies with mention of DEP (copy accepted)
  • If you have graduated from a college studies program, you must provide the original of a college studies transcript that mentions that you passed the program

Job guarantee

You must present a job guarantee. This guarantee must:

  • Come from an employer registered with the CCQ
  • Be for a duration of at least 150 hours, spread over a period of at most three consecutive months

If you are a woman, you do not need a job guarantee. See the measures in force that concern you.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file and/or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional offices with all of their documentation.

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.


Starting March 28, 2024,
Act R-20 allows the Commission de la construction du Québec to issue an Apprentice Competency Certificate (ACC) to people holding a Skills Training Certificate (attestation d’études professionnelles – AEP) and wishing to practice one of the trades listed below.

In January 2024, short-term training courses leading to a Skills Training Certificate (attestation d’études professionnelles – AEP) started being offered at various vocational training centres.

As a reminder, in Fall 2023, the Government of Quebec announced the temporary availability of paid short-term training courses. Anyone interested in registering for one of the courses listed below had until December 15, 2023, to do so.

Short-term training course (code)
Duration Target trade
Carpentry/joinery (4766)  705 hours
Heavy equipment operator (4767) 555 hours Heavy Equipment Operator
Shovel Operator 
Sheet metal work/Tinsmithing (4768) 720 hours
Sheet Metal Worker/Tinsmith
Refrigeration systems installation (4769) 630 hours
Refrigeration Mechanic

Criteria and supporting documents for obtaining an ACC with AEP

To work in the construction industry under Act R-20, you must hold a competency certificate.

Starting March 28, 2024, holders of a recognized AEP can obtain an ACC from the CCQ. They must apply no later than December 31, 2025. Certain conditions must be respected, including the following:

  • Meet the general conditions for obtaining an ACC;
  • Obtain an AEP between January 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025, and provide proof of this by presenting:

    • The provisional vocational training certificate issued by the educational establishment on completion of the course; the Skills Training Certificate (AEP) will be produced at a later date;

    • the Skills Training Certificate (AEP);
  • Provide evidence of having passed the Santé et sécurité générale sur les chantiers de construction (worksite health and safety) course, which is included in programs leading to an AEP;
  • Present a job guarantee from a CCQ-registered employer guaranteeing at least 150 hours of work over a period of no more than three (3) consecutive months.

The Application for registration or modification of identification file or choice of union association form and all copies of the required supporting documents must be mailed to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

The complete documentation may also be dropped off in person at one of the CCQ’s regional offices

Comparison table: AEP vs DEP

It is important to note that the AEP is not a diploma, but rather a short-term qualifying training course offered and certified by a school service centre. As a result, unlike the diploma of vocational studies (DEP), the AEP is not a recognition of the completion of vocational studies under the Education Act.

Consequently, the sections of the regulations governing the construction industry as they relate to vocational diplomas (DEPs) do not apply to AEPs.

The following is a comparative summary of the four new AEP and DEP courses leading to construction industry trades.

Skills Training Certificate (AEP) Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP)
Enrolment in a course leading to an AEP does not lead to the issuance of a Student ACC. Thus, working on a construction site while studying it is not allowed unless the person already holds another valid right to work document issued by the CCQ.
Enrolment in a program leading to a DEP leads to the issuance of a Student ACC for all trades except the crane operator trade, making it possible to work on construction sites while studying.
The training credits noted in the apprenticeship record book have a value equivalent to the number of course hours.

The training credits entered in the apprenticeship record book will be increased so that they represent 1.5 times the course hours.

People who have obtained an ACC with an AEP have to meet a training requirement.
People who have obtained an ACC with a DEP are not subject to a training requirement.
To obtain an ACC, women and men must present a job guarantee from a CCQ-registered employer guaranteeing at least 150 hours of work over a period of no more than three (3) consecutive months.
Unlike men, women with a DEP are not required to present a job guarantee or a letter of commitment from an employer to obtain an ACC.
Refrigeration mechanics wishing to work with halocarbons are required to take the Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons course. This is not included in the Refrigeration Systems Installation course (4269).
The Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons course is automatically entered on the ACC for refrigeration mechanics, as this course is included in the training leading to the DEP.

For more information, people registered for short-term course can contact us at 1 844 942-9792.

A person is eligible to obtain an apprentice competency certificate (ACC) in a given trade if the state of the labour pool allows.

When the labour pool is “open,” a person who satisfies the general conditions  may obtain a competency certificate when he or she meets the following requirements.

Job guarantee

To obtain an ACC, candidates must have an employer reserve a place for them when a labour pool opens by contacting the Info-pénurie line, at 514 736-8743 or 1 877 973-6874 (call made by employer). By reserving this place, the employer guarantees the candidate 150 hours of work over three months.

If you are a woman, see the measures in force that concern you.

Proof of studies

  • You must provide proof that you hold the prerequisites for the program leading to the vocational studies diploma (DEP) in the trade covered by the application.
  • If you do not hold the prerequisites for the program leading to the vocational studies diploma (DEP) in the trade covered by the application, you may obtain an exemption from holding a competency certificate and you will have to commit to completing these prerequisites within one year.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identifiction file and/or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional office with all of their documentation.

The CCQ must receive the employee’s complete file within 14 working days following registration of the employer’s job guarantee in order for the requested competency certificate to be issued.

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.

Individuals who demonstrate that they have acquired, in work experience and in hours in vocational training courses, the number of hours equivalent to at least 35% of the duration of apprenticeship in a trade (except the trade of crane operator) may apply for an apprentice competency certificate (ACC).

The hours that may be recognized are:

  • Hours worked and declared to the CCQ in the trade requested when the person has already held an ACC for this trade
  • Hours worked and paid in this trade outside of the field of application of Act R-20.
  • Hours in vocational training courses completed for this trade and recognized by a competent authority

Individuals must satisfy the general conditions and present the following documents:

Job guarantee

Individuals present a job guarantee. This guarantee must:

  • Come from an employer registered with the CCQ
  • Be for a duration of at least 150 hours, spread over a period of at most three consecutive months

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional offices with all of their documentation.

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.

People who live outside of Canada and wish to obtain an ACC must consult the heading “Candidate abroad (international recruitment).”

Students in a recognized study program may apply for issuance of a temporary apprentice competency certificate (ACC) with a validity period of 6 months. Like any apprentice, he will work under the supervision of a journeyperson, his hours will be counted in his apprenticeship book and he will benefit the salary rate corresponding to his apprenticeship period. The student ACC is not offered to people studying to obtain a Skills Training Certificate (attestation d’études professionnelles – AEP) or wishing to work as a crane operator.

Students must satisfy the general conditions and present the following documentation:

  • Provide proof of school attendance. This proof must be submitted to the CCQ no later than 30 days following the date indicated on the document. Beyond this period, new proof will be required;
  • Provide a letter of commitment or a written confirmation from an employer that confirms the hiring, without specification of hours. A letter of commitment is different from a job guarantee. Indeed, at this stage, the student does not have to obtain a minimum guarantee of hours from his employer to obtain his ACC as a student candidate. As soon as he has completed his program, he must obtain a ACC as a graduate of a recognized study program to continue working on a construction site. He will then have to provide a job guarantee of 150 hours over 3 consecutive months, obtained from an employer.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file and/or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional offices with all of their documentation.

This certificate cannot be renewed, but a student may apply again if he or she is still registered in his or her study program.

The certificate is cancelled if the student leaves or terminates his or her program. 

Students will have to satisfy another issuance criterion set out in the regulation to obtain their apprentice competency certificate if they leave or terminate their study program. 

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.

Holders of a journeyman competency certificate who wish to undertake or continue apprenticeship in another trade may obtain an apprentice competency certificate (ACC) for this trade. Holders of a journeyman competency certificate limited to a speciality in a trade may continue apprenticeship in another specialty or, if applicable, in all tasks in this trade.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file and/or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional offices with all of their documentation.

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.

A sole proprietorship (physical person) or a designated representative may obtain an apprentice competency certificate (ACC) as an employer candidate. 

The employer candidate must satisfy the general conditions.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file and/or choice of union association and all copies of supporting documents required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Demande d’obtention d’un certificat de compétence apprenti 
Case postale 2030, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C4

Candidates may also go to one of the CCQ’s regional offices with all of their documentation.

People who become apprentices in Québec may have their training and work experience recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.

Individuals living outside of Canada who have been selected by an employer and wishes to join the construction industry in Québec can ask to have their work experience recognized in order to obtain an apprentice competency certificate (ACC), with the exception of the trade of crane operator.

To obtain the list of trades concerned, click here. Note that in the Québec construction industry, the professions of surveying instruments clerk (surveyor), blaster-driller, line worker, diver, welder, and pipe welder are considered “specialized occupations,” leading to an occupation competency certificate.

The recognition procedure for candidates living abroad is conducted in two general steps: the request for preliminary analysis before you arrive in Québec and the application for issuance of an ACC once you arrive in Québec. Before undertaking this process, make sure to find an employer willing to hire you in Québec. The employer will have to co-sign the required forms.

Request for preliminary analysis  

First, you must fulfil a set of criteria in order to submit your file to the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) so that it can proceed with a preliminary analysis:

  • Demonstrate that you have the academic prerequisites (Comparative evaluation of studies outside of Québec)
  • Demonstrate that you have work experience equivalent to at least 35% of the apprenticeship in the trade
  • Find an employer registered with the CCQ who is ready to hire you when you obtain your competency certificate
  • Fill out the form Application for preliminary analysis – recognition of work experience for a trade, including the “Work Experience Sheet – Employee.” You may fill out several sheets, as they are used to demonstrate all of the work hours that you would like to have recognized

Hours that may be recognized are:

  • Paid hours worked in this trade outside the jurisdiction of Act R-20
  • The hours of training completed for this trade and recognized by a competent authority

The details of the procedure regarding the request for preliminary analysis (information to send, documents, etc.) are given in the form.

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for preliminary analysis - Recognition of work experience for a trade (except crane operator) and all the documentation required must be sent to [email protected].

The CCQ will send its decision to you and to the employer offering you work in Québec within about 20 working days after it receives the form and all the documents required.

Application for issuance of an ACC once you arrive in Québec

After the preliminary analysis is accepted, you may apply to obtain an ACC from the CCQ. IMPORTANT: This application can be made only once you arrive in Québec, even if some of the conditions listed below have been undertaken before you immigrate to Canada.

You must fill out the general terms and present a job guarantee. Note the following details concerning the items on the list of general terms:

  • In the form Application for registration or modification of identification file or choice of union association, you do not have to write in a permanent code in section 1.
  • You must obtain your social insurance number from Service Canada.
  • If you took the course Santé et sécurité générale sur les chantiers de construction before you arrived in Québec, make sure to provide the last 4 digits of your social insurance number to ASP construction, once you obtain that number.
  • With regard to copies of an official document on this list, the document must be in English or French. If the document is written in another language, you must attach a professional translation into French or English.

Job guarantee

You must also present a job guarantee. The guarantee must:

  • Be from the employer registered with the CCQ who signed the form filed with your request for a preliminary analysis
  • Be for a duration of at least 150 hours, spread over a period of at most three consecutive months

How to submit your file to the CCQ

The form Application for registration or modification of identification file or choice of union association and all documentation required must be sent by mail to the following address:

Commission de la construction du Québec 
a/s Dossier de reconnaissance internationale
Case postale 2010, succursale Chabanel 
Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C3

You can also go in person to a CCQ regional office with all of your documentation.

  • Course Santé et sécurité générale sur les chantiers de construction

    The 30-hour course Santé et sécurité générale sur les chantiers de construction is offered through the schools in the different school boards or through the construction industry’s employer and union associations.

    To register for this course, candidates must refer to the school services centre in their region or to the association that represents them.

  • Apprenticeship

    Apprenticeship in a trade in the construction industry is calculated in hours in the trade and in hours of training and upgrading. The duration of the apprenticeship is divided into apprenticeship periods of 2,000 hours each. The number of periods varies according to the trade.

    People who become apprentices in Québec may have their work experience and training recognized so that they are properly classified in their apprenticeship. Click here to find out more.


    Apprenticeship periods

    Duration of apprenticeship
    (Number of hours)

    Heavy equipment operator
    Reinforcing steel erector
    Shovel operator



    Cement finisher
    Crane operator



    Boiler maker
    Erectormechanic (glazier)
    Heavy equipment mechanic
    Interior systems installer
    Resilient flooring layer
    Tile setter



    Fire-protection mechanic
    Pipe fitter
    Refrigeration specialist



    Elevator mechanic



  • Apprenticeship Record Book

    When apprentices receive their apprentice competency certificate (ACC), they also receive their apprenticeship record book. The record book allows them to follow their progress in their apprenticeship in their trade. The apprenticeship record book contains:

    • Their hours worked 
    • Their training credits
    • The list of the recent employers who declared hours in their file
    • The hours required for their admission to the provincial qualification examination

    When they are hired, apprentices must present their apprenticeship record book and their competency certificate to the employer.

    Once an apprenticeship period is completed and the hours have been processed by the CCQ, apprentices receive a new, updated apprenticeship record book by mail. If an apprentice has not received a new apprenticeship record book within three months following his or her change of period, he or she must contact the CCQ’s Customer Services.

    Accumulation of hours

    Apprentices are responsible for keeping track of their hours worked.

    The hours worked given in the apprenticeship record book are those registered with the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) via the monthly reports filed by construction employers or hours recognized through an application for recognition of hours. To help to verify whether the hours registered with the CCQ correspond to his or her hours worked, a notice is mailed out when a minimum of 1,600 hours have been recorded in the apprentice’s name in his or her apprenticeship trade.

    Notifying the employer 

    Apprentices are also responsible for notifying their employer of a change in apprenticeship period when they have completed 2,000 hours of apprenticeship.

    The employer can then verify this by consulting the CCQ notice and the hours worked since the date of that notice.

    New record book

    When a current apprenticeship period is completed, apprentices receive a new, updated apprenticeship record book.

    An apprentice who does not receive his or her new record book within three months following the change of period should contact Customer Services of the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) to request one.

    Change of period

    The receipt and processing of monthly reports takes about two months at the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), which leads to a delay in the updating of employees’ apprenticeship record books. 

    The new wage rate is applicable when the period changes

    Once the apprentice has completed the 2,000 hours of work required in the apprenticeship period, the employer must adjust the wage rate for the new apprenticeship period.

    How the employer can meet this obligation

    • By keeping an updated register of employees’ hours worked
    • By following the progress of hours worked by new apprentices from the information gathered in their apprenticeship record book from the time they are hired

    The apprentice’s responsibilities toward the employer 

    Apprentices are responsible for informing the employer of the progress in their apprenticeship hours. To do this, apprentices must show the employer:

    • Their updated record book, which can be consulted through the CCQ’s online services
    • The letter sent by the CCQ advising them that they have worked more than 1,600 hours 
    • Their new apprenticeship record book issued by the CCQ following the entering of training credits into their apprenticeship record book
    • The letter indicating their apprenticeship classification

    What happens if 2,000 hours have been worked and the new wage rate isn’t paid?

    If the new wage rate has not been paid once the apprentice has worked 2,000, the employer is required to pay the new salary retroactively.

    For the residential sector, however, the collective agreement provides that retroactive payment may not exceed 10 days if the employee has not notified the employer. For all other sectors, the retroactive payment may not exceed 20 days if the employee has not notified the employer.

    What happens when the apprentice passes the qualification examination?

    The employer must pay the new journeyperson wage rate starting on the date the qualification examination was passed unless the collective agreement sets out specific rules with respect to retroactivity, as is the case in the residential sector. However, it is up to the apprentice to provide the employer with the letter attesting to success at the exam. This letter will be sent to him or her within two weeks following the date he or she took the exam.

    Training credits

    Apprentices may obtain training credits if they take and pass an upgrading activity or a study program relevant to the trade. When a DEP recognized by the industry is completed, the hours devoted to obtaining the diploma are multiplied by 50% and then subtracted from the total apprenticeship hours in a trade. The credits are automatically entered in the apprenticeship record book when the successful completion of the training program or upgrading course is recorded in the training profile.

    Click here to view the training credits table.

    To obtain credits for other types of training.

  • Renewal of apprentice competency certificate

    When a competency certificate with job guarantee expires, if the requirement of 150 hours of work has been respected, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) issues a competency certificate valid for 12 months. Then, the competency certificate will be renewed automatically or on request if the renewal conditions are in compliance.

    If you were inactive for certain specific reasons, you may be able to renew your certificate without paying a fee.

    Contact Customer Services for your renewal by request.

    In cases in which the certificate is renewed, it must comply with the general conditions for obtaining an apprentice competency certificate.

    Graduate apprentice

    Apprentices who have graduated from a recognized vocational studies program and have been active in their apprenticeship trade over the 14 months preceding the expiry date of their apprentice competency certificate (ACC) will have their certificate renewed automatically, free of charge.

    Otherwise, they must request the renewal from Customer Services, under the following conditions

    • Present a job guarantee from an employer registered with the CCQ lasting at least 150 hours spread over a period of at most three consecutive months. If you are a woman, see the measures in force
    • Have a valid union association choice
    • Pay the required $100 fee, if applicable (cheque, postal money order, bank draft, credit card, debit card, or cash)

    Apprentice who entered due to the state of the labour pool

    Apprentices who entered due to the state of the labour pool, have been active in their apprenticeship trade over the 14 months preceding the date of expiry of their apprentice competency certificate (ACC), and, if applicable, have met their training obligation, will have their certificate renewed automatically, free of charge.

    Otherwise, they must make a request to Customer Services within five years following the expiry of their certificate, under the following conditions:

    • Have completed at least 35% of their apprenticeship 
    • Present a job guarantee from an employer registered with the CCQ lasting at least 150 hours spread over a period of at most three consecutive months (if you are a woman, see the measures in force)
    • Have a valid union association choice
    • Pay the required $100 fee, if applicable (cheque, postal money order, bank draft, credit card, debit card, or cash)

    Apprentice who entered through recognition of experience

    Apprentices who entered through recognition of experience, have been active in their apprenticeship trade over the 14 months preceding the date of expiry of their apprentice competency certificate (ACC), and, if applicable, have met their training obligation, will have their certificate renewed automatically, free of charge.

    Otherwise they must apply to Customer Services for issuance of the certificate.

    Apprentice who is a journeyperson in another trade

    Apprentices who are journeypersons in another trade and have been active in their apprenticeship trade over the 14 months preceding the date of expiry of their apprentice competency certificate (ACC) will have their certificate renewed automatically, free of charge.

    Otherwise, they must make a request to Customer Services, according to the following conditions: 

    • Pay the required $100 fee, if applicable (cheque, postal money order, bank draft, credit card, debit card, or cash)
    • Have a valid union association choice

    Employer apprentice

    Apprentice employers who have been active over the 14 months preceding the date of expiry of their competency certificate will have their certificate renewed automatically, free of charge.

    • Otherwise, they must make a request to Customer Services, according to the following conditions: 
    • Comply with the general conditions for obtaining an apprentice competency certificate 
    • Pay the required $100 fee, if applicable (cheque, postal money order, bank draft, credit card, debit card, or cash)