Visual Glossary of Garpentry-joinery Terms
Visual glossary of carpentry-joinery terms
Visual Glossary of Garpentry-joinery Terms

Among the many commitments listed in its Customer Service Declaration, the CCQ has engaged to offer adapted services to people living with a functional limitation.

It was with this in mind that the CCQ agreed to support the Comité d’intégration des Sourds à la construction (CISC) in the creation of a visual glossary of the main terms used in carpentry-joinery and their equivalent in Québec Sign Language.

Produced on a volunteer basis by the CISC, this glossary is intended as a tool for supporting the integration of clients working in the construction industry who have a hearing impairment and for interpreters working with them.

Other services offered by the CCQ

Other services for people with a hearing impairment are also offered by the CCQ, notably for taking provincial qualification examinations and during upgrading activities. People with a functional limitation may have access to an interpreter for hearing impaired people, as applicable. In addition, if the person using it is eligible, the Fonds de formation reimburses the cost of the interpreter for hearing-impaired people attending an upgrading activity.



This glossary was made possible through the volunteer work of the members of the Comité d'intégration des Sourds à la construction, to whom we extend our thanks.


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