Vacation Cheques

Vacation Cheques

Twice a year, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) sends workers a vacation allowance: at the end of June for the amounts credited between July and December of the previous year, and at the end of November for the amounts credited from January to June of the same year.

Every month, the employer remits to the CCQ the indemnities for paid statutory holidays and obligatory annual vacations set out in the collective agreements. These amounts represent 13% of the salary earned by workers during each week of work:

  • 6% in annual vacations
  • 5.5% in paid statutory holidays
  • 1.5% in sick leave

Table of amounts paid in June 2024

Payment by cheque

  • The cheque will be sent to the correct address if the worker has completed his or her change of address by May 24, 2024 at the latest.
  • The cheque will be mailed out on June 20, 2024.
  • The cheque may be cashed starting June 20, 2024.

Payment by direct deposit

  • The deposit will be made on June 20, 2024. in the account indicated in the worker’s file on May 26, 2024.
  • Payment statements and vacation statements will be available in Online Services on June 20, 2024.
  • You will be notified by email when these documents are published.

Problems with the cheque

Workers who didn’t change their address before the deadline must ensure that they redirect their mail.

If the cheque is not delivered within 10 working days following mailing or if the cheque has been damaged, the worker must contact the CCQ’s Customer Service and a request will be sent to the finance department for the cheque to be reissued.

Vacation and statutory Holiday, pension and union dues statements issued

From now on, all statements will be available in Online Services.

If there has been an error in the Relevé des congés et jours fériés payés, du régime de retraite et des cotisations syndicales, the worker must contact his or her employer. The employer may make the necessary corrections, if applicable. If there is a dispute, the worker must make a salary complaint.

If the employer has not remitted the amounts due to the CCQ, the note “N,” for “not collected,” will appear on the statement. The sums due may be the 13% of salary mentioned above (the vacation allowance), union dues, or social benefits. The CCQ takes every measure necessary to recover uncollected sums. By making a salary complaint, you may contribute to the verification and obtain more information regarding your case.

In addition, to be eligible for the Compensation Fund if the employer is insolvent, the salary complaint must be submitted to the CCQ within the 60 days set out in the regulation.

Details on vacation leave and statutory holidays

Workers can find their vacation statement with the most up-to-date data in the Online Services. In fact, even if amounts are shown as not collected on the statement issued, it is possible that between production of the statement and its receipt, the employer has proceeded with payment.

Workers should therefore consult the online services in order to validate the information.

If you have not subscribed to our online services, create your profile now.


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