Specific rules for the Baie-James and Nunavik regions

Specific rules for the Baie-James and Nunavik regions

For work carried out in the Baie-James and Nunavik regions, holders of an apprentice, journeyman, or occupation competency certificate issued by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) are given hiring priority in the following order:

  • Indigenous people residing in the region do the work
  • Other workers residing in the region do the work
  • If no worker meeting the above criteria is available, priority is given to holders of an apprentice, journeyman, or occupation competency certificate residing outside one or the other region

Accessing the industry 

If you would like to work in the construction industry, you must have a valid competency certificate. 

If you have a question or want to apply for a competency certificate in Nunavik, please contact Customer Services.

Qualification Examination

To register for a qualification exam session in Baie-James or Nunavik, contact Customer Services at 1-888-842-8282 or the CCQ liaison agent at 1-866-387-4383.


The list of upgrading activities offered by the CCQ is available through the Répertoire des activités de perfectionnement dans l'industrie de la construction. The simplest way to register is to use the CCQ’s online services. It is also possible to register via the Info-perfectionnement line by calling 1 888 902-2222 or the CCQ liaison agent at 1-866-387-4383.

The CCQ offers personalized information and support services for the Baie-James and Nunavik region. Please do not hesitate to contact the liaison agent at 1-866-387-4383.