Social Benefits
MÉDIC Construction
- Basic Insurance
- Supplementary Insurance
- Insurance for Retirees
- Notice of Insurability
- Death of an Insured
- Dependents
- MÉDIC Construction Card
- Health Insurance
- Medical Emergency Abroad
- Dental Insurance
- Salary Insurance, Hour Credits and Prolongation of Insurance
- Life and Accidental Mutilation Insurance
- CONSTRUIRE en santé Program — 1 800 807-2433
- My Insurance Plan: I’m Taking Care of It!
- MÉDIC Construction Online
- Wages & Rates
- Construction Holidays and Vacations
- The Pension Plan
- Participation in Social Benefits
MÉDIC Construction
Qualification and Access to the Industry
- Competency Certificates
- Qualification Examination
- Trades, Occupations, and Job Prospects
- Labour Pools
- Recognition of Training and Work
- Outside Quebec
- Finding a Job
- Women
- First Nations and Inuit
- Regulatory Changes in the Construction Industry
- Integration into the trade of crane operator
- Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons
- Water System Worker Certification
- Change of Address
- Starting Your Own Company
- Training and Upgrading
Application of Act R-20
- Le respect des règles, ça compte !
- Regulation in the Construction Industry
- The CCQ’s Powers
- Intervention Strategies
- Application of Act R-20
- Labour Relations System
- Collective Agreements
- Reporting all Hiring and Termination of Employees to the CCQ
- Filing a monthly report and paying amounts due
- Keeping the employer’s file up to date
- Compliance with Act R-20 and the collective agreements
- Compliance with rules for hiring, pay and region of work of employees
- Keeping a register of daily activities and pay
- Complying with apprentice-journeyperson ratios
- Workers’ Obligations
- Doing Construction Work
Regulation Respecting Volunteer Construction Work (Volunteering): Information Questionnaire
- A physical person building his or her own residence, not for profit (e.g. auto-construction)
- Construction work in a school or a school board, a college, a childcare centre, a public health and social services establishment, a non-profit organization not registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, a housing co-operative.
- Work performed for a company
- Work for a charity organization
- Work in a duplex, triplex, or quadruplex or in common areas of a co-ownership property with a maximum of four units
- None of these choices
- Report a Situation or Make a Complaint
- Know your rights (discrimination, intimidation, harassment, violence and unhealthy work environment)