Hats off to you! awards ceremony 2023: CCQ recognizes positive role models

As part of the 2022-2023 edition of the Hats off to you! competition, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) has awarded two Mixité en chantier prizes—Future travailleuse and Future entrepreneure—each featuring a $2,500 scholarship, and one Mentorat prize accompanied by a $5,000 scholarship.

The winners are:

Winner of the 2023 Mixité en chantier – Future travailleuse award

Marie-Ève Ringuet 

Student in carpentry-joinery (DEP) 
Centre de formation professionnelle Paul-Rousseau
Centre de services scolaire des Chênes

Winner of the 2023 Mixité en chantier – Future entrepreneure award

Alix Lefebvre 

Student in carpentry-joinery (DEP)
École de formation professionnelle de Châteauguay
Centre de services scolaire des Grandes-Seigneuries

Winner of the 2023 Mixité en chantier – Mentorat award

This award recognizes public educational institutions that contribute to greater gender diversity on construction sites in Québec. 

Centre de formation professionnelle Gabriel-Rousseau

Centre de services scolairedes Navigateur

The Centre de formation professionnelle Gabriel-Rousseau is actively involved in motivating women students to succeed and persevere in programs, traditionally filled by men, that lead to a construction trade or occupation. Its many initiatives support women in their training program and encourage them to graduate. The centre made its mark this year with its Espace de parole project, which aims to promote inspiring models of women students and workers and offers women students tools, networking opportunities, and mentorships with women construction workers. 

A winning partnership

The CCQ is particularly proud of its ongoing relationship with the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur as part of the Hats off to you! competition, which shines the spotlight on female role models and institutions with a positive influence on women in the construction industry.

The CCQ wishes to congratulate the three winners as well as the female students and educational institutions who applied. Thank you for your exemplary dedicationyou are great role models and sources of inspiration!


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