On June 21, 2023, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) sent out more than 192,000 vacation pay to workers in the Québec construction industry. A total of almost $617 million was distributed.

This represents a 12% increase in the total value of payments over those made last summer ($553 million). The variation is explained mainly by activity on construction sites, which surpassed 2022 forecasts to reach 210.2 million hours declared. This is a 7% rise over last year and a historic peak for work subject to Act R-20.

As we know, the employers pay monthly contributions to the CCQ for paid statutory holidays and vacations, as set out in the collective agreements. These amounts represent 13% of the salary earned by workers during each work week (vacations, statutory holidays, and sick leave). The amounts paid in were accumulated in the Fonds d’indemnités de congés annuels obligatoires et de jours fériés chômés, which is administered by the CCQ, between July and December 2022.

This year, the annual summer holiday in the construction industry will take place from Sunday, July 23, to Saturday, August 5, 2023.

Table of amounts paid out as vacation pay for annual obligatory vacation and paid statutory holidays




Administrative region*

Number of cheques and direct deposit

Amount paid out

Number of cheques and direct deposit

Amount paid out**


 3 294

 9 672 442,10 $

 3 450

 10 903 598,37 $


6 792

21 348 786,67 $

7 182

23 303 034,80 $


 2 658

9 720 587,03 $

2 595

 9 229 328,35 $

Estrie 7 665 21 134 740,36 $ 8 282  24 167 554,03 $

Île de Montréal

 17 036 45 084 741,08 $ 18 463 51 644 325,01 $
Laval–Laurentides–Lanaudière  48 450 149 363 276,30 $ 51 067  166 413 152,67 $
Mauricie–Bois-Francs  11 883 36 426 639,61 $ 12 756 40 840 673,44 $
Montérégie  39 213 122 198 224,59 $ 41 081  135 252 383,18 $
Outaouais  6 650 16 006 893,69 $ 6 896 17 447 133,19 $
Québec  30 366 96 811 026,80 $ 32 402  109 763 623,77 $
Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean  7 797 25 695 976,17 $ 8 348  27 854 492,80 $

Total provincial

181 804

553 463 334,40 $

192 522

616 819 299,61 $

* Here, the regions indicate the region of residence of the recipients.
** The amounts paid out were accumulated in the Fonds d’indemnités de congés annuels obligatoires et de jours fériés chômés between July and December 2022. This fund is administered by the CCQ, and the contributions that must be paid in are determined by the collective agreements.


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