June 1–7 is Québec Week for People with Disabilities

Did you know that more than 1.5 million people in Québec have a significant and persistent disability? For more than 15 years, the CCQ has been committed to the integration of people with disabilities by reducing the obstacles they encounter throughout their career, always aiming to increase their social participation in the construction industry.

See the measures that have been implemented and find out about our commitment to people with disabilities by consulting our website 👉 https://www.ccq.org/fr-CA/En-tete/qui-sommes-nous/engagement-personnes-handicapees.

You can also read the Bilan 2023 du Plan d'action à l'égard des personnes handicapées 2022-2024.

Going further

Organized by the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec, this year Québec Week for People with Disabilities is being held June 1–7 with the theme “Lets Open the Dialogue.”

If you have an opportunity, introduce yourself to a person with a disability and get to know him or her. Understanding the needs and perspectives of people around us is essential to fostering an inclusive society. It’s how we can better grasp everyone’s daily challenges and adapt our own actions.

Every action, whether individual or collective, counts more than you can imagine. Recognize the capacities of people with disabilities so that they can have full power over their lives. Seize every opportunity you can to reduce the obstacles they face.

Your kindness and your actions can help someone integrate into society, be autonomous, find their place, and feel at home.

We also invite you to follow the Office’s Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages, where content related to the Week will be published regularly.


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