Work-study programs: A winning bet in the construction industry

To increase the number of workers with diplomas on Québec construction sites and foster retention of talents, today the construction industry is launching the Action Plan to Accelerate Work-Study Programs in the Construction Industry 2025–2028, the aims of which are:

  • To attract more people to construction training programs
  • To increase the proportion of graduates engaged in building the Québec of tomorrow
  • To enable students to quickly gain access to experience on construction sites

“in the construction industry, work-study programs have proved to be a success and are expanding quickly: in 2024–25, there were 406 new registrations, making it possible to add 18 cohorts to the 9 already underway since 2023–24 (205 students),” stated Audrey Murray, CEO of the CCQ. “Québec needs 17,000 new workers, on average, each year.

Two of the major issues we are facing are job retention and the lack of people with diplomas; 30% of the workforce leaves after 5 years and 70% of people entering the industry do not have a diploma. In this sense, work-study programs offer a promising solution that can reverse these trends.”

The action plan involves 19 actions grouped under six measures and divided into three axes. Here are some examples:

1. Support for deployment:

  • Training for companies, work-study supervisors, and employer and union associations so that they understand their roles, share their expectations, and have an idea of the commitment required
  • Creation of a network for the players in work-study programs and a site for monitoring the action plan

2. Promotion and accessibility:

  • Information and promotion campaign for students and for companies to publicize the possibilities for work-study programs

3. Financial support:

  • Adjustment of the financing of work-study programs for study programs related to the construction industry for 2024–25 and 2025–26

This plan results from a collaborative approach called Espace Solutions, which brings together stakeholders from different sectors, each of which has a part to play in accelerating work-study programs in the construction industry. They have worked together cooperatively to establish an action plan in just a few months.

Over the next five years, the shared target set by the stakeholders is to increase to 50% the number of programs leading to a trade that offer work-study programs and to achieve 1,000 work-study program registrations.

This approach is flexible and agile, which means that the elements making up the plan will evolve constantly and can be adjusted according to the realities of the industry and its different partners.

To find out more, read the Plan d’action pour accélérer l’alternance travail-études dans l’industrie de la construction 2025-2028.

To access the press release, click here.