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Online services
Diversity and inclusion
Publications and documentation
Studies and Statistics
Useful links
Careers at CCQ
Charter of the French language
and its regulations govern the
consultation of English-language content
français (Canada)
Social Benefits
MÉDIC Construction
Basic Insurance
Supplementary Insurance
Insurance for Retirees
Notice of Insurability
Death of an Insured
MÉDIC Construction Card
Health Insurance
Medical Emergency Abroad
Dental Insurance
Salary Insurance, Hour Credits and Prolongation of Insurance
Life and Accidental Mutilation Insurance
CONSTRUIRE en santé Program — 1 800 807-2433
My Insurance Plan: I’m Taking Care of It!
MÉDIC Construction online
Cybersecurity incident involving some MÉDIC Construction insureds
Wages & Rates
Union Dues Rates
Previous union Dues Rates
Taxable Benefits
Loss of Wages
Vacation Cheques
Tax Slips
Construction Holidays and Vacations
Statutory holidays: Frequently asked questions
The Pension Plan
General Information
Contributions to the Pension Plan
Eligibility for Retirement
Partial Retirement
Calculating the Pension
Application for Pension Benefits
When a Death Occurs
Other Events
Termination of Plan Membership
Annual Pension Statements
Investments and Returns
Participation in Social Benefits
Qualification and Access to the Industry
Competency Certificates
Qualification Examination
How the Qualification Examination is Written
How to Prepare for the Exam
Information Sheets on the Qualification Examination
Sample Examination Questions
Retaking the Exam
Trades, Occupations, and Job Prospects
Financial Support
Training: A priority for the industry
Labour Pools
State of the labour pools
Procedure for reserving a place according to the state of a labour pool
Subscription to Alerte pénurie
Specific rules for the Baie-James and Nunavik regions
Recognition of Training and Work
Outside Quebec
France-Québec Agreement
Intergovernmental Agreements (ON, NB, NL)
Red Seal
Canadian Free Trade Agreement
Intergovernmental Agreements Provincial-Territorial Apprentice Mobility Agreement
Finding a Job
Integration into the trade of crane operator
Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons
Water System Worker Certification
Change of Address
Starting Your Own Company
Independent Contractor
Registering with the CCQ
Application of Act R-20
Regulation in the Construction Industry
The CCQ’s Powers
Intervention Strategies
Partnership with UPAC
ACCES Construction Committee
Infractions and Types of Proceeding
Application of Act R-20
Recourse to the Tribunal administratif du travail
Regulations Pertaining to the Labour Force
Modernization of the construction industry (reform of act R-20)
Versatility in the construction trades
Labour Relations System
Employer Associations
Union Associations
Union Vote
Collective Agreements
Job-site Stewards
Sectors of the Industry
Application of the Collective Agreements
Reporting all Hiring and Termination of Employees to the CCQ
Filing a monthly report and paying amounts due
Keeping the employer’s file up to date
Compliance with Act R-20 and the collective agreements
Compliance with rules for hiring, pay and mobility of employees
Keeping a register of daily activities and pay
Complying with apprentice-journeyman ratios
Workers’ Obligations
Doing Construction Work
Regulation Respecting Volunteer Construction Work (Volunteering): Information Questionnaire
A physical person building his or her own residence, not for profit (e.g. auto-construction)
Construction work in a school or a school board, a college, a childcare centre, a public health and social services establishment, a non-profit organization not registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, a housing co-operative.
Work performed for a company
Work for a charity organization
Work in a duplex, triplex, or quadruplex or in common areas of a co-ownership property with a maximum of four units
None of these choices
Report a Situation or Make a Complaint
Know your rights
I am experiencing a difficult situation with a co-worker
I am experiencing a difficult situation with my employer
An employer refuses to hire me
I am experiencing a difficult situation with a union
A client, supplier or work provider on a job site is harassing me
Training and Upgrading
Initial Training
Training Requirement
Upgrading and Activities
Répertoire des activités de perfectionnement
Eligibility Conditions
Online Training
Training for the “Environmental Qualification: Halocarbons”
Financial Support
Support from Emploi-Québec
Request for Reimbursement of Training Fees for an Employee
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG)
Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG)
Request by an Employer for Reimbursement of Training Costs
On-the-job Training
Visual Glossary of Garpentry-joinery Terms
Béton et accessoires (Available in French only)
Coffrage (Available in French only)
Finition et isolation (Available in French only)
Matériel et matériaux (Available in French only)
Organisation du travail (Available in French only)
Plancher, mur, toiture, escalier (Available in French only)
Ordering Teaching Tools
Welding qualification founds
Contact us
Who are we
Report a situation
Online services
Diversity and inclusion
Publications and documentation
Studies and Statistics
Useful links
Careers at CCQ
Application of Act R-20
Collective Agreements
Conclusion de l'entente secteur industriel
Consultez la version imprimée de la convention collective pour voir ce contenu.