Heating System Installer Examination

Heating System Installer Examination

The examination is 3 hours long. It contains 60 questions and each question is worth 1 point. The required passing grade is 60%. The materials for your use during the examination are provided to you. They are: a pencil, a paper sheet, a scientific calculator, an eraser and appendices. No other material or reference document is allowed during the examination.

Skill Content on Which Questions May Be Based

Section 1 - Preparing the Work (20%)

  • Interpreting plans, drawings and isometric diagrams 
  • Safety measures 
  • Installing scaffoldings 
  • Handling equipment, devices and accessories.

Section 2 - Installing and Modifying Heating Systems (50%)

  • Installing Piping
    • Piping calculations  
    • Preparing piping passage and suspension 
    • Installing supports and anchors
    • Installing piping.
  • Connecting and Starting up the Heating System
    • Putting devices in place   
    • Connecting devices, piping and accessories  
    • Connecting the power source 
    • System sealing 
    • Starting up the heating system 
    • Testing and final adjustments.
  • Modifying Systems
    • Safely shutting down the system   
    • Dismantling the devices
    • Safely disposing of fluids.

Section 3 – Maintening and repairing Heating Systems (30%) 

  • Maintening Heating Systems
    • Checking heating units, systems and circuits 
    • Maintaining and lubricating components
    • Replacing accessories 
    • Cleaning equipment and accessories
  • Repairing Heating Systems
    • Identifying the problem
    • Troubleshooting
    • Dismantling the device and isolating circuits
    • Repairing or replacing equipment, devices or accessories
    • Restarting the system

Samples of questions for provincial qualification examination.

Suggested documentation

The suggested documents are an important tool to help you prepare for the examination. However, your best asset to write the exam successfully are the quality and diversity of the skills you have acquired during your apprenticeship.
  • BOUCHARD, PIERRE. Les échafaudages sur cadres métalliques, Montréal, Commission de la santé et sécurité au travail, 2004, 30 p. (in french only). 

  • BUREAU DE NORMALISATION DU QUÉBEC (BNQ). Code d’installation des chaudières, des appareils et des tuyauteries sous pression, Québec, BNQ, 2013, 123 p. 
    BNQ: tel.: 418 652-2238 or 1 800 386 5114 
    fax: 418 652-2292 (Québec) or 514 383 3260 (Montréal) 
    www.bnq.qc.ca (in french only)  

  • CANADIAN OIL HEAT ASSOCIATION (COHA). Canadian oil heat manual, Toronto, Centennial College Press, 2009, 302 p.  

  • HAMILTON, JOHNNY E. Pipe fitter’s math guide, Clinton, N.C., Construction Trades Press, 1989, 152 p. 

  • CENTRE D’ÉLABORATION DES MOYENS D’ENSEIGNEMENT DU QUÉBEC (CEMEQ). Plomberie-chauffage : guide d’apprentissage : module 18 : systèmes de chauffage, Sherbrooke, CEMEQ, 2003, 318 p. (in french only).

  • CORPORATION DES MAÎTRES MÉCANICIENS EN TUYAUTERIE DU QUÉBEC. Systèmes de chauffage hydronique : un guide de conception et d’installation à l’usage du concepteur, de l’entrepreneur, de l’ingénieur, de l’architecte et de l’inspecteur, Montréal, Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec, 2009, 184 p. (in french only).