Bricklayer-Mason Examination

Bricklayer-Mason Examination

The examination is 3 hours long. It contains 60 questions and each question is worth 1 point. The required passing grade is 60%. The materials for your use during the examination are provided to you. They are: a pencil, a paper sheet, a calculator and an eraser. No other material or reference document is allowed during the examination.

Skill content on which questions may be based

Section 1 - Organizing masonry work (15%)

  • Securing the work site:
    • Recognizing potential hazards on the site
    • Using personal protective equipment.
  • Using scaffolds:
    • Installing and dismantling the components of a scaffold according to the safety standards in effect
    • Anchoring scaffold
    • Determining the steps for assembly and disassembly of tubular scaffold
    • Recognizing the dangers of using scaffolds
  • Checking materials:
    • Estimating the amount of bricks and blocks needed to build a structure

Section 2 - Laying bricks, blocks and stones (59%)

  • Ensuring that buildings are sealed and ventilated:
    • Determining the characteristics of membranes, vapour barriers and flashings, and their applications
    • Installing membranes, vapour barriers and flashings
    • Placing weep holes and vents at the appropriate places
  • Performing masonry tasks:
    • Drawing the wall and the courses
    • Determining levelling, plumbing and alignment operations
    • Determining gauging operations and bonds
    • Choosing and installing different types of anchors, ties and reinforcement needed for wall stability
    • Using mortar and respecting its setting time
    • Making joints and knowing the types of finishing joints
  • Building masonry systems:
    • Building openings and constructing arches
    • Installing lintels and angle irons
    • Laying bricks and blocks using different laying systems
    • Cutting and laying natural stones
    • Using the appropriate tools and techniques

Section 3 - Performing repairs and other specialized work (26%)

  • Repairing masonry:
    • Distinguishing construction defects and determining the necessary repair
    • Determining the causes and consequences of a deficient structure
    • Removing mortar and deteriorated units using appropriate tools and techniques
    • Using repair techniques and tools
    • Cleaning masonry units
  • Creating specialized structures:
    • Distinguishing the materials and tools involved in making a refractory structure
    • Laying refractory units
    • Creating chimney units
    • Laying bricks and glued stones
    • Selecting and applying binders and laying products (primers, mortar, cement glues) using the appropriate tools, equipment and techniques
    • Installing prefabricated architectural units

Samples of questions for provincial qualification examination

Suggested documentation

The suggested documents are an important tool to help you prepare for the examination. However, your best asset to write the exam successfully are the quality and diversity of the skills you have acquired during your apprenticeship.

  • ASSOCIATION PROVINCIALE DES CONSTRUCTEURS D’HABITATIONS DU QUÉBEC. L’ABC du briquetage dans le secteur résidentiel. Anjou : APCHQ, 2013,  97, [30] p.

  • CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES DU CANADACode de construction du Québec, Chapitre 1- Bâtiment, et Code national du bâtiment– Canada 2010 (modifié). Ottawa : CNRC, 2015, 1231 p.

    [English version] : Quebec Construction Code, Chapter 1 – Building, and National Building Code of Canada (amended)

  • CONSEIL NATIONAL DE RECHERCHES CANADAGuide illustré de l’utilisateur : CNB 2010 Maisons et petits bâtiments (Partie 9 de la division B). Ottawa : CNRC, 2014, 593 p.

    [English version] : Illustrated User’s Guide – NBC 2010, Part 9 Housing ans Small Buildings

  • GROUPE CSAMaçonnerie des bâtiments [CAN/CSA-A371-14 ]. Toronto : Groupe CSA, 2015, 66 p.

  • QUÉBEC (PROVINCE)Code de sécurité pour les travaux de construction[S.2-1,r.4]. Québec : Éditeur officiel du Québec, 2018

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