Sheet Metal Worker (Tinsmith) Examination
The examination is 3 hours long. It contains 60 questions and each question is worth 1 point. The required passing grade is 60%. The materials for your use during the examination are provided to you. They are: a pencil, a paper sheet, a scientific calculator and an eraser. No other material or reference document is allowed during the examination.
Skill Content on Which Questions May Be Based
Section 1 - Applying basic tinsmithing skills (25 %)
- Applying health and safety rules
- Using personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Safely using lifting and work access equipment
- Maintaining a safe work environment
- Organizing the work
- Interpreting plans and specifications
- Using the required types of material according to their compatibility.
- Lifting and moving a piece.
- Communicating using the hand signal code
- Developing and manufacturing parts
- Interpreting data from the parts to be developed
- Making parts
- Installing scaffolding
- Checking scaffolding location and assembling sections
- Checking scaffolding location and assembling sections
Section 2 - Installing distribution, evacuation and recovery (ventilation) system (42 %)
- Performing pre-installation work
- Installing suspension and anchoring equipment on a structure (concrete, steel or wood)
- Assembling and installing accessories and equipment (dampers, fire dampers, mufflers, fans, coils)
- Installing ducts and devices
- Installing ducts and devices
- Installing seismic restraints on the equipment and ducts
- Performing the finishing touches on the installation
Section 3 - Installing metal cladding (33 %)
- Installing cladding on roofs
- Installing metal cladding on a flat roof
- Installing metal cladding on ancestral roofs
- Performing the finishing touches on the installation
- Installing interior and exterior cladding
- Installing the cladding support system.
- Installing the cladding.
- Performing the finishing touches on the installation
Samples of questions for provincial qualification examination.
Suggested documentation
The suggested documents are an important tool to help you prepare for the examination. However, your best asset to write the exam successfully are the quality and diversity of the skills you have acquired during your apprenticeship.
- SHEET METAL, & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (US). (2020). HVAC Duct Construction Standards: Metal and Flexible. The Association. - ASSOCIATION DES ENTREPRENEURS EN REVÊTEMENT MÉTALLIQUE DU QUÉBEC (AERMQ). Manuel technique, Sainte-Thérèse, AERMQ, 2015, 250 p. In French only. - LES PUBLICATIONS DU QUÉBEC. Gréage et levage: guide de sécurité (traduction, Marc Pelletier; collaboration Pierre Bouchard et al.; pour la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail), Québec, Publications du Québec, 2006, 174 p. (in French only) - CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Hoisting and Rigging Safety Manual, Etobicoke, Ont., CSAO, 2009, 168 p. - PENDER, James Angus. Welding, McGraw-Hill Co. of Canada, Montréal, 1968, 194 p.
- COMMISSION SUR LES NORMES, L’ÉQUITÉ, LA SANTÉ ET LA SÉCURITÉ DU TRAVAIL. Collection Guide d’installation et d’utilisation, Échafaudages, CNESST. In French only. - COMMISSION DE LA CONSTRUCTION DU QUÉBEC (CCQ). Fiers & compétents – perfectionnement en construction. In French only.