Beginning of the construction holyday

More than $445 million paid out to construction workers

Over the last few weeks, Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) sent almost 159,000 vacation cheques to Québec construction workers. A total of more than $447 million has been distributed.

Regional data are available in the appendix.

Every month, employers send the CCQ contributions for paid statutory holidays and vacations, as set out in the collective agreements. These amounts represent 13% of the salary earned by workers during each work week (vacations, statutory holidays, and sick leave).

There has been an increase of more than 6% in the total value of amounts paid out, in comparison to the summer of 2018 ($421 million). This variation is explained mainly by the rise in construction activity recorded during the year. 

The construction holiday

This year, the two weeks of the construction holiday will begin officially on Sunday, July 21, and end on Saturday, August 3, inclusive. 

The vacation is obligatory for the construction industry as a whole, in all sectors. 

However, there are exclusions to the summer holiday, including many civil engineering and roadwork projects. In addition, work related to emergencies, repairs, maintenance, renovations, and modifications may continue. 

In total, about 80% of the workforce – workers and employers – will be on vacation during these two weeks. In 2018, the construction industry comprised 165,000 workers and 25,000 employers.

Construction activity on the rise

The number of hours worked in the construction industry grew by 10% in 2018 over 2017, reaching 163 million hours. Although it did not surpass the peak reached in 2012, such an increase in construction activities falling under the Act Respecting Labour Relations, Vocational Training and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry (Act R-20) has not been observed since 2004.


Table of amounts paid,* by region**


* The amounts sent out were accumulated in the Fonds de congés payés (or Fonds d’indemnités de congés annuels obligatoires et de jours fériés chômés) between July and December 2018. This fund is administered by the CCQ, and the contributions paid in are determined by the collective agreements.
**According to the residential addresses of the recipients.