Measures instituted following the survey about the work environment on construction sites

The Commission de la construction du Québec and all of the industry’s partners mandated the polling firm Léger to conduct a major survey to measure perceptions of, opinions about, and experiences with discrimination, intimidation, and harassment on construction sites. 

This unprecedented move provided the industry with hard facts so that it could take the most effective action to improve the workplace environment. Following publication of the results, the CCQ is planning to deploy a major communication campaign and an action plan in order to ensure better comprehension of what constitutes cases of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment and to encourage reporting of such incidents.

Among other things, the services offered by the CCQ to victims in these situations will be enhanced, notably with the Ligne Info-ressources discrimination, intimidation, harcèlement: 1 833 333-8003.

“Our industry has taken a courageous step forward by painting an accurate and realistic picture of the workplace environment on construction sites,” noted Audrey Murray, CEO of the CCQ. “We are all actively investigating the issue and searching for solutions. The conclusions of the survey have provided us with valuable clues about what actions to take to end these unacceptable situations.

“The construction sector will need 17,000 new workers per year until 2028 to meet the demand,” Murray continued. “We have everything to gain by striving to improve the workplace environment and retain more workers.”

Read the rapport de la situation de la discrimination, de l’intimidation et du harcèlement dans l’industrie.


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