Workforce needs in the construction industry : 17,000 people annually until 2025
The Commission de la construction du Québec’s publication Perspectives professionnelles dans l’industrie de la construction 2024-2028 is now available online (in French only). This annual publication offers an estimate of workforce needs in the construction industry for all trades and for each region of Québec. 

For the 2024–28 period, recruitment needs will be at 17,000 people per year, covering both replacement needs and needs created by a rise in hours worked. This amounts to an increase of 1,000 people in comparison to the results produced last year. 

In the current economic context, the CCQ intends to put into play data and analyses that not only will be useful for a fuller understanding the economic context for construction but will also enable the CCQ and its partners to offer strategies adapted to the needs; in this case, the objectives sought are better job retention, ways to attract more graduates to the construction trades, and greater employment of immigrants.

"The construction sector will be looking for around 9% of its projected workforce over the next few years, when almost 200,000 workers will be on the job sites,explains Audrey Murray, CEO of the CCQ. These figures are comparable to other economic sectors.  Over the coming months, we will continue to improve our measurement of needs. In 2023, we welcomed 3,950 new construction graduates, out of nearly 15,700 new employees. Strategies to attract, retain and train the workforce we need will have to be bold and agreed with key partners. Intensifying the use of work-study programs is already emerging as an avenue to be favored. The CCQ will be on hand to implement appropriate solutions."

Consult the 2024–28 regional perspectives.


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