Employer survey
Published: 07/09/2024

Twice a year, employers are asked to fill out a survey about anticipated activity and recruitment difficulties. In the spring 2024 survey, employers anticipated an increase in volume of work in coming months and, consequently, a greater need for workers.

Their responses indicate that 32% of contractors in the industry believe their workload will increase, and 25% of respondents declared that they want to hire more workers.

According to the survey, here are the three biggest hindrances to companies’ operations and profitability:

  • Skills/quality of the workforce 
  • The difficulty in hiring workers
  • Increased construction costs (materials and wages)

    • Respondents indicated, however, that the increase in construction costs is slowing significantly, dropping from 43% last fall to 34% this spring

The three strategies used most often to deal with recruitment difficulties:

  • Hiring less-experienced workers and training them
  • Raising wages or enhancing social benefits
  • Postponing or staggering contracts

The issue of employee status

76% of employers were not able to hire employees holding journeyperson status. In the residential sector, this proportion reached 81%.

73% were unable to fill occupation positions.

62% were not able to find workers with the status of apprentice.

Read the survey (in French only) 


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