First Nations and Inuit
First Nations and Inuit

The CCQ wants to promote the access, integration and retention of Indigenous employees and businesses in the construction industry.

To achieve this, the CCQ has established certain objectives, such as:

  • To nurture and maintain relations with Indigenous communities, especially where major construction projects are in progress or planned
  • To implement actions and initiatives to allow employees and businesses to enter the construction industry, taking their realities and specific needs into consideration
  • To provide services for Indigenous clients to meet their needs

A variety of measures have been adopted by the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) to encourage the inclusion of Indigenous people in the construction industry:

  • With the support of the construction industry, major projects have been completed, such as the creation of the Nunavik region in 2017 ans in the introduction of regulatory measures to make it easier for First Nations and Inuit people to access upgrading activities.
  • In collaboration with First Nations and Inuit employability and training organizations and Indigenous Business, the CCQ organizes a variety of upgrading activities offered directly to communities.
  • In collaboration with these First Nations and Inuit partners, and thanks to support from businesses, pilot projects are carried out to develop worker's skills, encourage school graduation, and encourage recognition of experienced workers. 
  • When needed, the CCQ offers personalized support and information services to Indigenous workers and businesses to facilitate their inclusion, professional development, and job retention.
  • The CCQ has a constructive presence in First Nations and Inuit communities as it provides information sessions on :
  • The construction industry and its pathways
  • Trades and occupations in the industry
  • Compliance in Indigenous communities
  • The rights and obligations of workers and businesses

Info-resources Discrimination, Intimidation, Harassment

This confidential service is for victims of or witnesses to discrimination, intimidation, harassment, violence, and other situations involving an unhealthy work environment. 

The service provide information on possible recourses and provides direction to recourses according to the needed. 

Info-resources Discrimination, Intimidation, Harassment
Confidential service
1 833 333-8003
[email protected]

To learn more about qualification and acces to the industry

To learn more about qualification and acces to the industry