Commitment to people with disabilities
Commitment to people with disabilities

For several years, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) has dedicated itself to the integration of people with disabilities* by reducing the obstacles they face throughout their career. 

Action Plan for People with Disabilities

The CCQ presents an action plan drafted in compliance with section 61.1 of the Act to secure handicapped persons in the exercise of their rights with a view to achieving social, school and workplace integration (RLRQ, C. E-20.1). This plan encourages a more inclusive and respectful industry approach concerning the needs of people with disabilities and their families. 

More specifically, the plan was developed following reports of the many obstacles disabled people face, and aims to implement corrective actions that respond to the challenges surrounding their integration to the construction industry or as a member of the CCQ staff.

Consult the 2022-2024 Action Plan (In French only) 

Consult the action plans and annual statements for previous years (In French only) :

2023 annual statement of the 2022-2024 Action Plan
2022 annual statement of the 2022-2024 Action Plan
2021 annual statement of the 2019-2021 Action Plan
2020 annual statement of the 2019-2021 Action Plan
2019 annual statement of the 2019-2021 Action Plan 
2018 annual statement of the 2017-2018 Action Plan
2017 annual statement of the 2017-2018 Action Plan

2019-2021 Action Plan 
2017-2018 Action Plan 
2016 Action Plan
2015 Action Plan 
2014 Action Plan 

Among the measures implemented

Interpreter and reader services

Interpreter and reader services are offered by the CCQ to people with a functional limitation to facilitate taking qualification examinations and performing upgrading activities. Time is also allotted upon request to the individual and their interpreter so that they may agree on the signs to be used during the exam. If needed, extra time may be granted for completing qualification examinations.

Individuals who require this type of assistance during their qualification examination can contact Customer Services directly at 1 888 842-8282. 

To have recourse to the services of an Interpreter for people with a hearing impairment for an upgrading activity, employees must be eligible for the Fonds de formation des salariés de l’industrie de la construction (FFSIC). Following an evaluation of their needs, they will be able to benefit from the services of an interpreter. For more information, participants must submit a request to the Info-perfectionnement line by calling 1 888 902-2222.

Adapted versions of documents and forms available

To obtain adapted version of documents or forms, please don't hesitate to contact the coordinator of Services for People with Disabilities at 1 888 842-8282.

Offices designed to meet client needs

Nearly all regional offices, as well as the head office, are designed to be easily accessible for people with motor disabilities.

Visual glossary of carpentry-joinery terms available

The CCQ supports the Comité d’intégration des Sourds à la construction (CISC) by contributing to the creation of a visual glossary of the main terms used in carpentry-joinery and their equivalents in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ).

Developed pro bono by the CISC, this glossary aims to support the integration of hearing-impaired clients and their interpreters into the construction industry.

Construire en santé

Construire en santé is the MÉDIC Construction program for health promotion and management. It aims to improve the health of insureds and their dependents. Consult Construire en santé Web page here.


*A disabled person is defined as someone with a deficiency causing a significant and persistent disability, who is liable to encounter barriers in performing everyday activities.

For all other questions concerning the services offered to people with disabilities, please contact the coordinator of Services for People with Disabilities at 1 888 842-8282.

To learn more about engagement-personnes-handicapees